Nx is a powerful, extensible build system that is designed to help
manage and scale enterprise-level development across multiple
applications and libraries. It's developed and maintained by Nrwl.
Nx helps in managing monorepo setups by providing a number of features:
- Code Sharing and Reuse:In a monorepo setup, multiple projects coexist in the same repository. Nx provides efficient tooling to share code across these projects, thereby promoting code reuse. This leads to lower code duplication, and it's easier to maintain and update shared functionality.
- Dependency Management:Nx uses an advanced project graph to understand the dependencies between different projects in your monorepo. This allows Nx to only rebuild and retest the projects affected by a particular change, which can significantly speed up build and test times.
- Consistent Tooling:In a monorepo, it's beneficial to have consistent tooling across different projects. Nx provides a unified command line interface and consistent configuration formats for multiple tools such as Jest, Cypress, Storybook, and others. This reduces the cognitive load for developers as they move between projects.
- Scalability:As your monorepo grows, so can build times and complexity. Nx helps manage this by providing computation caching, distributed and incremental builds. This means that if you've already built or tested a particular project, and its dependencies haven't changed, Nx won't need to rebuild or retest that project. This can greatly reduce build times on CI servers.
- Code Health:Nx provides features such as linting rules, test enforcement, and code generators to help maintain high-quality code across your monorepo.
- Extensibility:Nx is built around a plugin system, which allows you to extend its capabilities to support different frameworks and tools. This means that you can customize Nx to fit your specific needs.
To get started with Nx in a monorepo setup, you would typically install Nx globally and then use it to generate a new workspace. From there, you can use Nx to generate applications and libraries, run tests, perform builds, and manage your codebase. Nx also integrates with popular editors and IDEs, which can enhance your development experience.
Keep in mind that while Nx provides many advantages for managing monorepos, it also requires careful management of dependencies and configurations, as changes can potentially impact multiple projects within your repo.
nx g @nrwl/next:app my-new-app
# Create new app
nx g @nrwl/next:lib my-new-lib
# Create new libary
nx g @nrwl/next:page my-new-page --project=my-new-app
# Create new page
nx g @nrwl/next:component my-new-component --project=my-new-app
# Create new component
nx serve my-new-app
# Serve (development)
nx serve my-new-app --prod
# Serve (production)
nx build my-new-app
# Build
nx export my-new-app
# Export static HTML
Deploying Next.js app to Vercel
Deploy as static HTML
nx build <app-name> && nx export <app-name>
If your page is unable to load assets such as CSS or JS, you can resolve this issue by defining the "assetPrefix" field in the "nextConfig" section of your next.config.js file. Furthermore, if you require a trailing slash to be added to the URL, you can specify the "trailingSlash" field.